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Auto Insurance Tips

Auto Insurance Tip #1: Shop Around

In British Columbia, you purchase your required coverages through ICBC. However, you can shop around for your optional coverages if you choose through an insurance broker or directly with the insurer themselves (e.g. Canadian Direct Insurance). Make sure you are fully covered on both your basic insurance coverage and your optional auto insurance. For more information, consult a licensed, knowledgeable insurance professional through a direct insurer or a insurance broker. Compare apples to apples – coverage to coverage when checking prices.

Auto Insurance Tip #2: Understand your needs

Your rate with ICBC and private insurers depends on many factors. Any combination of the following can affect the rate you are offered and/or are eligible for:

  • Driving history
  • Accident history
  • Vehicle – make, model and age
  • Vehicle usage
  • Neighbourhood
  • Multiple vehicles – may garner a discount
  • Multiple polices (home, autos, etc.) – may garner a discount
  • Anti-theft devices
  • New drivers
  • Deductibles and coverages

Auto Insurance Tip #3: Ask Questions

Don’t be shy! If there’s something that doesn’t make sense to you, ask the question. Become an informed consumer – your broker or insurer is there to serve you.

Auto Insurance Tip #4: Know your service expectations

What do you expect from your insurance company?

  • Do you need 24 hour claim service?
  • Is your car new or fairly new? Do you need replacement vehicle insurance?
  • Do you require rental vehicle coverage in the case of an accident?
  • How do traffic violation tickets and accidents affect your rates and your coverage?

Auto Insurance Tip #5: Stay Current

Have you had any changes that will affect the factors that your vehicle policy was based on initially? Review this list and keep these things in mind as triggers to review your vehicle policy.

  • change of job
  • home or work address
  • frequency of use
  • accident history
  • change to drivers
  • new drivers
  • additional drivers